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Personality Disorder Treatment
in Sacramento, CA

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individuals with personality disorders often experience significant challenges in recognizing their own patterns of behavior. This is largely because these patterns have become their norm, making alternative ways of thinking seem foreign. Many seek therapy due to difficulties in managing personal relationships and professional environments rather than directly for their disorder.

Personality disorders encompass a variety of mental health conditions characterized by persistent and pervasive patterns of thought and behavior that negatively impact an individual’s life. These patterns often disrupt friendships, family dynamics, and career progression, presenting behaviors that are difficult to control and resistant to change. Daily stressors can trigger these symptoms, which may manifest unpredictably and are challenging to suppress.

The exact causes of personality disorders remain unclear, but research indicates a potential genetic link. Additionally, individuals within the LGBTQ+ community may face a higher risk of developing certain personality disorders, such as borderline personality disorder. At Sacramento Mental Health, our treatment approach typically involves psychotherapy, which may be complemented by medication depending on the individual’s specific needs and circumstances.

woman smiling outside in sacramento california  personality disorder treatment

Borderline Personality Disorder

portrait of friends hanging out  borderline personality disorder

Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) often undergo rapid mood fluctuations and may struggle with their identity and their role in society. This can lead to frequent changes in their interests and values.

People with BPD typically perceive the world in black-and-white terms, categorizing experiences and relationships as either completely positive or completely negative. Their feelings towards others can shift dramatically in a short amount of time, turning close friends into perceived adversaries almost overnight.

This tendency for emotional volatility can result in tumultuous relationships. Furthermore, those with BPD might have a profound fear of being abandoned and could engage in impulsive or hazardous behaviors. Treatment methods like dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) have proven to be effective in managing and alleviating the symptoms of BPD.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) involves an inflated sense of self-importance, accompanied by fantasies of success and power. Individuals with NPD often have an excessive need for admiration and special treatment. They typically struggle with empathy and are predominantly self-focused, prioritizing their desires and ambitions. This can lead to setting unattainable goals and boasting about achievements and talents.

Their impulsiveness and reluctance to accept responsibility for their actions often strain relationships, which tend to be superficial and predominantly benefit the individual with NPD. They might exhibit jealousy towards others or manipulate them for personal advantage. Despite the outward display of confidence, many individuals with NPD are dealing with underlying insecurities. With appropriate therapeutic interventions, many people with NPD can achieve substantial improvements, developing healthier relationships and a more balanced self-view.

asian man staring out window

Paranoid Personality Disorder

Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD) is characterized by a deep-seated mistrust and suspicion of others, which can significantly distort a person’s thinking and behavior in daily life. Individuals with PPD are extremely vigilant, constantly on alert for any sign that they are being betrayed or harmed. This suspicion extends even to close associates, often disregarding how unfounded their doubts may seem.

Many individuals with PPD feel as though they are the victims of unwarranted persecution, leading to feelings of rejection. This can result in angry reactions or the need to assign blame. Their pervasive fear and distrust greatly hinder the formation and sustainability of personal relationships.

The impact of these symptoms can disrupt functioning in both personal and professional settings. Due to their inherent distrust, many with PPD hesitate to seek help. However, those who engage in therapy can learn effective coping mechanisms, which help in reducing anxiety and fostering improved trust in others.

Schizoid Personality Disorder

Schizoid Personality Disorder is an uncommon condition marked by a pervasive pattern of avoiding social interactions. Individuals with this disorder often appear distant or detached and typically shun social engagements.

Those with schizoid personality disorder generally prefer solitude and may arrange their lives to limit interactions with others. Although the name might suggest similarities to schizophrenia, schizoid personality disorder does not involve the delusions and hallucinations associated with schizophrenia. Instead, individuals with this disorder are usually clear in their thinking and communication; they simply favor being alone.

As a result, individuals with this condition often thrive in roles that require minimal social interaction, such as positions as librarians or laboratory technicians. With appropriate professional guidance, those with schizoid personality disorder can effectively manage their preferences and lead fulfilling, productive lives.

woman holding butterfly outside Schizoid Personality Disorder

Schizotypal Personality Disorder


Individuals with Schizotypal Personality Disorder often struggle in social environments, finding it challenging to grasp social cues and interpret situations accurately. This disorder is characterized by significant social anxiety, leading those affected to perceive malice or threats in harmless comments or interactions.

Their emotional responses may seem muted or out of place given the circumstances. Typically, their social circles are limited, mostly confined to immediate family members. People with schizotypal personality disorder may also demonstrate eccentric beliefs or engage in peculiar verbal communication. Treatment from mental health professionals primarily focuses on alleviating the severe symptoms of social anxiety associated with the disorder.

Histrionic Personality Disorder

Often referred to as Dramatic Personality Disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) is typified by a persistent pattern of seeking attention and displaying overly emotional behaviors. Individuals with this disorder are often noticeably lively, reactive, and theatrical.

They may feel uneasy when not the focus of attention, and might use seductive or provocative behaviors to ensure they remain at the center of interest. The most effective treatment involves psychotherapy that is supportive, encouraging, and focused on reducing emotional discomfort.

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Treatment for Personality Disorders


Personality disorders generally do not resolve without intervention, but with the right treatment, recovery is possible. The approach to treating personality disorders varies based on the specific disorder and the symptoms exhibited. A tailored treatment plan is crafted through collaboration between the client and the clinical team to ensure it meets the client’s needs.

Psychotherapy, often referred to as “talk therapy,” is a primary method used to treat personality disorders and a broad spectrum of mental health issues. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a specialized form of psychotherapy originally developed for borderline personality disorder but has since been adapted for a broader range of conditions. Psychotherapy sessions can occur in various formats, including individual, group, couples, or family settings, and are facilitated by a therapist.

Key Therapeutic Approaches:

Medication-Assisted Treatment may also be incorporated to address symptoms of personality disorders. Medications are prescribed based on a careful diagnosis of the symptoms, with mental health professionals and a medical director overseeing the medication aspect of the treatment plan.

Holistic Therapy is another component that complements traditional treatment methods, focusing on enhancing overall well-being in addition to treating personality disorders. The selection of holistic therapies included in a treatment plan depends on a joint decision-making process involving the client and clinical team.

Examples of Holistic Therapies available include:

How Treatment Centers Can Help

Personality disorders vary widely, and each individual affected by one has their unique experience. The primary aim of our center is to eliminate all forms of judgment and bias, concentrating solely on what truly matters—your well-being and recovery. By receiving the appropriate treatment and care, you can reclaim your independence and enjoy a fulfilling, healthy life.